Nana Adjoa Adobea Khartey Inspires University of Ghana Students with Her Multifaceted Career Journey

On May 28th, the University of Ghana SRC Women’s Commission hosted Nana Adjoa Adobea Khartey, a distinguished lawyer, technology enthusiast, and social development activist, as a guest speaker. Nana Adjoa shared her remarkable career journey, emphasizing the importance of being open to new opportunities and applying oneself in all endeavors.

Nana Adjoa’s path has been marked by twists and turns, from studying law to working in technology and business administration. She has held various roles, including heading the National Folklore Board, where she became the youngest female CEO of a government institution. Her experiences have equipped her with valuable skills. Nana Adjoa has learned to embrace new opportunities and think outside the box. This has also impacted her current role as Secretary to the National Communications Authority.

She shared four nuggets of wisdom, summarized in the acronym MIND:

M – Make Yourself Useful
I – Be Innovative/Proactive
N – Take up New Opportunities
D – Be Detail-Oriented

Nana Adjoa encouraged students to embrace their career confusion, as it can lead to a multifaceted journey like hers. She emphasized the importance of internships, joining groups like AIESEC and SCIFE, and being active in student politics.

Nana Adjoa’s experiences and achievements serve as an inspiration to students and professionals alike.

The event was a resounding success, with students and faculty members alike praising Nana Adjoa’s insightful speech and remarkable career journey. Her message of embracing opportunities and applying oneself resonated deeply, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended.