Edinam Afi Yengbe: Lady Rugby League Player Graduates With A Masters Degree in International Affairs

Edinam Afi Yengbe decided she wanted to pursue International Relations at the tertiary level when she was in second year of senior high school. Unfortunately, she realized at the time of application for undergraduate studies that it was a postgraduate course. Though disappointed, she went on to study political science because she had discovered that international relations was a branch of political science.

She gained admission to study Political Science at the University of Ghana – Legon. In her final year, the Legon Center for International Affairs and Diplomacy (LECIAD) advertised slots for national service persons. She applied and was accepted. Though she knew working there as an NSP didn’t guarantee her admission later, she wanted to learn with the students and to understudy the research fellows at the Center.

During the National Service period, she met and worked with like-minded young people which motivated her. She applied to study international relations at a couple of universities and gained admission to all of them before settling on LECIAD and beginning the programme in August 2019. Though the program was intensive, her goals were to make amazing grades, pass well, be great and leave significant legacies for generations to come.

The second semester was interrupted by the lockdown and classes had to shift online, presenting a huge challenge to Edinam. In spite of this, she excelled in all her courses. The pandemic also presented a hurdle in the collection of data for her dissertation. Fortunately, her research advisor introduced her to some very instrumental people which culminated in the successful completion of her work.

“I’ve learnt many things on this journey. I have learnt that my dreams are valid and they will come true if I work at them. I have learnt that patience, perseverance and hardwork will lead me there. I have learnt to appreciate the blessing of people- my family, friends, well-wishers and even my critics! I have learnt that it is alright to take detours (it will amaze you how much you will learn and how those lessons will shape your future). I have learnt the essence of balance. I have learnt to become a better person. I have learnt that I can be anything I want, if I put my mind to it! I have learnt that behind every cloud, there is a silver linen. I have learnt, that I am a girl on a diplomatic journey. Until my good is better, may I never rest! On to the next!”

Today, she has successfully completed the program and graduated with flying colours. Sharing her journey, she gave thanks to God, her family, her research advisor, her study group, friends and her rugby league team.