There is a popular saying that goes “Man proposes but God disposes”, to mean that our plans may not always be what life has in store for us. This has been proven true in the life of one Miss Gloria Borlabi, a 2020 graduate of the University of Ghana, Legon.

Gloria graduated as a valedictorian with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Information Studies and Russian, winning multiple awards for her academic work. This course of study however was not her first choice.
In 2016, Gloria applied to study Law at the University of Ghana but missed the cut off point by one mark. “Words cannot describe how bad I felt but I decided to still take the chance to study Political Science, Information Studies and Russian,” she shares.
Four years later, not only did she graduate as a valedictorian for the Bachelor of Arts programme, she also received prizes for the over all best graduating Bachelor of Arts student and the best graduating female student in the Bachelor of Arts programme.

“It turned out God had great plans for me and He proved to me that I must continue to trust in His decisions regardless of how things turn out”, she shares in a celebratory LinkedIn post.

“I now appreciate this scripture even better – For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD [Isaiah 55:8]. Indeed, all things truly worked out for my good!”