Meet Mr. & Mrs. Owusu-Boadi, A Young Couple Graduating Together With Masters Degrees

Claudia and Isaac met during their undergraduate years at KNUST. Both student leaders at the time, they had to report to school earlier than most to assist freshmen. Their paths crossed when Isaac had to assist Claudia with her hostel. A friendship developed and fast forward, they are married and are graduating with masters degrees together.

During their first year of marriage, they outlined their goals, top of the list being getting masters degrees. Pursuant to this, they applied to the University of Ghana Legon, Isaac with a master of arts in Organizational Leadership and Governance and Claudia with a master of science in International Business.

Claudia Q. Owusu-Boadi

The first semester was during the lockdown period and saw them at home and online for their classes, working on assignments and deadlines. Their timetables clashed on more than a few occasions but their motivation stemmed from the fact that they knew where they were going and what they need to do to get there. As such, there was really no place in their schedule for procrastination.

A little into their academic journey, the couple found out that Claudia was pregnant. Despite the fact that her pregnancy was smooth, she still had to deal with the heightened pregnancy symptoms of the first three months and other pregnancy symptoms like swollen feet along the way.

Claudia recalls a challenging time when there was a rumoured deadline for submission of dissertation. The couple burnt the midnight candle till morning while having to rush to work in the morning in order to  get the perfect plagiarism scores for printing and onward submission to supervisors for signing. Fortunately, they were able to work within the rumored deadline only to later hear of the actual deadline which was further away. 

Now, they have both graduated with flying colours and are set to visit the next goal on their outline. Per Claudia, a supportive and likeminded partner, God and an enabling environment are the reasons for their success. The couple are a team and assist each other in getting things done.