Reflo Company Ltd Hosts Successful Flo Fest at University of Ghana

Reflo Company Ltd, a leading advocate for menstrual health and education, organized a fun-filled festival, Flo Fest, at the University of Ghana on Saturday. The event aimed to promote menstrual awareness, education, and hygiene among students.

The festival featured insightful talks by guest speakers Dr. Vanessa Mensah-Kabu and Dr. Erica Ntiamoah Mensah, who addressed the importance of menstrual health, debunking myths and stigmas surrounding menstruation.

Students engaged in exciting gaming activities, competing for prizes up to GHS1,000. The event also included interactive sessions, performances, and giveaways.

Rebecca Osam, CEO of Reflo Company Ltd, addressed the gathering, reaffirming her dedication to supporting girls’ empowerment through menstrual education and resources. “We believe that menstrual health is a fundamental right, not a privilege. We will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that girls and women have access to the knowledge and tools they need to thrive,” she emphasized.

Flo Fest was a resounding success, with attendees praising the initiative for its impact and entertainment. Reflo Company Ltd’s commitment to menstrual education and support has made a significant difference in the lives of many young people, and Flo Fest was a testament to their dedication