Unlocking Career Potential: Antoinette Gyan’s Initiative for Mid-Career Female Professionals

Antoinette Gyan is the Founder of Araba Africa, an initiative that provides career coaching services for African mid-career female professionals to build thriving careers. She is best known for her effective and robust career advancement strategies.

She is on a mission to inspire African women to pursue their career dreams and to live a purpose-driven life. Annette is passionate about women in leadership, employee communication and mindset development.

She runs the ‘Elevate Your Career’ a four-month career planning programme specifically designed for female mid-career professionals who are eager to unleash their fulfill their career potential, align their career paths with their values, and navigate the ever-changing professional landscape with confidence and purpose.

Annette has previous experience working in the UN, international NGO and private sector.

She is the author of the book, ‘Odd Numbers: Building a Meaningful Career’

She is a Career Strategist/Coach and an Internal Communications Consultant.