Young Christians around the world are continually admonished to dedicate their youth to doing the work of God and a young Cameroonian woman is setting a good example following these admonishments.

Atemkeng Cynthia, a disabled young woman has shared the news of her successful completion of the Christ Embassy foundation school.

On one of the church’s websites, the aims of the Foundation School are listed as to educate on the foundational doctrines of Christ that are most surely believed at Christ Embassy.

Learners are prepared for ministry work through 6 classes taught over a six week period culminating in a graduation ceremony upon passing the final examination.

Cynthia, who is a professional vocational trainer, an ambassador for the disabled and country leader at Global Law Thinkers society also heads her Cyndibless Foundation, an organisation focused on providing various assistance to people of disability.

Following her graduation, Cynthia is by all standards set to actively pursue her passion for the work of God within the framework of Christ Embassy church. Her post on LinkedIn has since received almost a thousand reactions, with congratulatory messages still pouring in.