Once every few times, even the best of us need a reminder that nothing is beyond our reach. That reminder could be in the form of a story, an experience or even a person. Whichever form it comes in, the motivation is important for growth and development. Here’s a story to motivate us all, as told by Jibs Abitoye on LinkedIn:
My name is Jibs Abitoye, let me tell you about my “COULDN’T” story.

I was told I COULDN’T get a good job as a new immigrant from Nigeria in Canada because I didn’t have Canadian education or work experience. I got a job in a bank with my own office in one month.
I was told I COULDN’T win in an election because I lived in a community that was less than 1% black and as a black woman…hmmm…unlikely. I’m the first black woman elected in the province of Alberta since the 70s. I won in the election as a City Councillor in my community and I’m honored to serve in this capacity.

I was told that I COULDN’T run a successful fashion business because the fashion industry was saturated and it would be difficult. I started a fashion business and within 3 months of launching was in New York Fashion Week to showcase our latest collection. Our products are in a big retail store with over 500 stores in Canada and the US. We have clients in Europe, US and Canada.
I was told that I COULDN’T be influential as I was only a token black woman to show representation, not for anything else. I can tell you I have chaired committees where I was not just the only black woman but the only “woman” in the room.

I was told that I COULDN’T be a wife and mum and still have a successful career and business. I can tell you I have an amazing partner who is super supportive and 3 beautiful children.
I have shared a few of my success stories but I can also tell you that in between all these success stories are many failures, many sleepless nights, many tears, many vigils, many prayers, many guilt and shame, many doubts, many mistakes, the list is endless. So don’t let anybody “COULDN’T” you, because yes you CAN!