How many of us hate taking medicine? Especially those painkillers when things we cannot avoid hit us… those migraines for example or that constant dull back pain. How many of us are looking for alternatives to managing cholesterol, high blood pressure or even diabetes sugar?
Well Ghana, meet CBD: an all natural, plant based medicinal alternative to many common ailments.

Not many people know about CBD. CBD is an abbreviation of Cannabidiol, one of the main components of the hemp plant. It is a non-psychoactive, non-addictive cannabinoid. Simply put, it doesn’t alter reality (make you high) like other cannabinoids (THC, we’re looking at you) because it is not psychoactive. CBD works directly with the receptors which mediate pain sensation, inflammation and body temperature.

CBD is here! And it’s here to stay. Nouveau Riche was officially opened on Saturday, 15th October 2022. This is the first ever CBD shop in Ghana that looks to give people a soft life by giving them an alternative to western medication and relieving their discomfort with CBD products.
CBD helps with many ailments like migraines, muscle spasms, anxiety, seizures, low blood sugar, epilepsy, arthritis and others.
Check out Nouveau Riche for products that it has in stock such as:
Calming Caramel Toffees
Bath Bombs
Immunity Boosters
Massage Candles, and many more with a CBD twist.
Locate Nouveau Riche at Shiashie, DT Plaza, Shop 16. Follow us on all social media handles @nouveaurichegh